Easy in theory, difficult to practice: Here’s a fresh take of a practice I’ve touted the value of before, but with a personal experience to prove how it works.
Check out how the NBA’s recently named Coach of the Year uses EQ to his advantage. His reaction may not be the best for your workplace, but there’s a valuable lesson to be learned.
ICYMI: I told you about this one in last month’s newsletter, but since this month yielded so many new subscribers, here it is again. (Plus, it’s an especially valuable lesson.)
Great perks and innovative benefits? It’s not just for tech companies anymore. Check out this innovative company’s approach to retaining talent.
And, on to the exciting announcement…I’ve got great news:
In case you haven’t heard, I’m publishing my first book in Aug/Sep 2016!
“The Practical Guide to Emotional Intelligence” (working title) won’t be a scientific analysis of EI and EQ; rather, I’ll share my personal journey of emotional discovery, along with a series of practical steps that can help you improve your own EQ development (along w/ some great anecdotes).
But I need your help: Do you have suggestions? A great idea for the title? Maybe something you’d like to see addressed in the book? I’d love to hear from you.